
Ong Valley and Moraine Canyon 2012: Two months of field work in the Central Transantarctica Mountains (CTAM). We had great weather, and recovered the data loggers and other science equipment we left the previous year,

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McMurdo Station 2007: As part of ANDRILL SMS, I spent two months “on ice”, drilling for ancient sediment records in the Ross Sound. ANDRILL (ANtarctic geological DRILLing) is a multinational collaboration comprised of more than 200 scientists, students, and educators from five nations (Germany, Italy, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States) to recover stratigraphic records from the Antarctic margin using Cape Roberts Project (CRP) technology. The chief objective is to drill back in time to recover a history of paleoenvironmental changes that will guide our understanding of how fast, how large, and how frequent were glacial and interglacial changes in the Antarctica region. Future scenarios of global warming require guidance and constraint from past history that will reveal potential timing frequency and site of future changes.

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